Tuesday, October 27, 2009

working status

Have a long long period of holiday after I sitting my last paper at 28/9/09. The new semester only start on next year in January.. this period, I feel hard to pass, because damn boring at home while all my friend are busy their things like finding job, back hometown and etc. so I decide out for work rather than just stay at home having boring time every day.

1st job I go to interview is which working at genting. There have only 1 position for you to interview which is dealer. Now only I know, even ur age not yet reach 21, u still can work in casino in every position that they offer to u.. ==

2nd job, which is I felt that they are a cheat company. Y I say so? Cause I dont believe what they had do is same as wat they spoke to the public.. so I refuse to do it. And I learn a lot from that.. like how to convince ppl to trust wat u say is correct and ect.

3rd job, which is wat I have talking now.. as a general clerk in a carpet company. This whole company just me, account executive, 2 boss (brothers), 3 office boy… =.= having a great boring time at there.. lolz…

Wen the office is free, not busy at all, I feel that the time pass very slow.. but, wen the office is busy, the time pass very fast. I think most of the office also like tat 1… lolz

Every day keep working working and working.. haiz.. I miss my study life… I wonder, y I didn’t feel like this when I work as a full time assistant QS in A year???

Sunday, August 16, 2009

act cool??

just heard my uni friend says tat 1 of my college friend says tat py and i act very cool to him... i was so shock wen i heard this.. i'm cool?? i don think so.. i really mind this, tat's y i keep asking my uni friend who is tat college friend say me so.. my uni friend just told me he call tat guy as "weric" , but don know his real name and keep mention tat his surname is "Tan"... i was weird tat time.. almost of mr. Tan quite good relation wit me, how come ppl say i act cool all the time.. after tat, i try to found out who is tat "weric"... finally... i know d... his surname is "tham", not "tan".. tham kar kui (perhaps i didnt spell wrongly..) i keep asking y he say so, but i cant get the answer... in my memory, i just feel tat he is the only guy always keep himself alone, act cool, even ppl talk to him, he also will close the conversation as soon as possible.. then how is the acting cool?? i had try to talk wit him before... but wat his response abit impatient.. then wat should i do?? close the topic and go la.. but now.. says i act cool??? omg... i hope tat i wont be so "失败" next time.. make ppl feel like i am choosing ppl to make a friendship and ACT COOL ALL THE TIME !!!! i really care this sentences.. because i don think tat i am tat kind of person...

Monday, July 20, 2009

selling flower?? nitemare..

i was selling flower during the convo on last sat.. tat was a nitemare to me.. now only i know tat selling flower was not a easy job.. it consist of alot of things.. we spent alot of time to prepare, but wat v get?? a good experience.. lolz i had been break my own record.. i nvr sleep 2 1/2 hour only a day.. wat cause i do so?? selling flower... =_= after tat i going to klcc buying dresses for my aunt's wedding dinner only drive back to my hometown alone... can imagine 1 sleepy ppl driving a car and take times bout 2 hour??? tat was terrible for me.. after back to home, i fall in to sleep... i nvr feel so tired a day... the conclusion is.... is a good experience to learn something new, but it also is a bad memory for me... lolz

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Monday, February 16, 2009


作麒的假期在11月27日开始了。那个时候,我们都很少跟他碰面,因为大家都很忙,很难找到一个可以共同享受他假期的时候。等到我们四个真正的得空时,我们有去看戏、吃饭、逛街和打麻将...这次比较特别哦!因为… 我们有去槟城哦!! 其实… 我们原本是想去金马伦高原的,可是呢,他的父亲觉得他的“技术”还不能征服它,所以… 希望他的“技术”有天可以带我们上到去咯… 我们在槟城逗留了两天一夜, 由于我们在那里的时间不长,所以我们也没有去太多地方。我们去了他的“母校”(ktar)逛了一圈, 我们去了batu ferringi, 和猴子joe 玩了一会,然后我们就带着疲惫的心情去到了“湾仔角”去享受我们的晚餐。最令人兴奋的晚上来临了… 因为作麒带了一支black label 去槟城哦… 算是第一次和他们一起喝酒吧… 感觉还蛮新鲜的… 最先出糗的反而是他们那两个男孩…那两个女生反而还很清醒的拍下他们疯狂的一面。知道为什么他们这么快醉吗?因为女生牌赢的时候比较多而且喝得比较少咯… 在第二天咧,我们到处走走后便开车回去了… 原来咧,在槟城寻找美食是不可以以装潢来决定它美味的程度的。在越破烂的地方,往往美食就在那里… 在作麒即将回去的前夕,我们还去了云顶一趟…带着了满满的信心前去,满满的失望回来。在回家的路途中,我们还特地地去买了一人一只公仔,它们是阿木、阿put、阿奸和阿怜。它们是我们在槟城发现的,万万想不到,我们竟然可以把玩了好久好久。到最后才决定把它们给买下。而今天,我们在佩蓉家实现了我们说了好久好久的事情,那就是…煮饭啦~~我们有煮虾、咕噜肉、煎蛋哦…还录下了好笑的事情。
其实,这片文章早就应该在作麒上机的前一天就放上去的... 这不过是因为我有些东西还没写,搞到这篇文章迟了好多好多...不知不觉我已经认识他们那么的久了... 在他们当中,我认识最久的就是balloon... 另外那两个以前对我来说其实严格说来都没有那么的熟... 我也不懂曾几何时也慢慢的和他们熟了起来... 我不知道我们现在那样好的友情可以撑到几时,我很珍惜,也不想失去... 让我们的友情就这样的带到我们全都白发鬓鬓的,好吗??最近看回了以前的那些照片... 觉得如果不让人看看实在太可惜了... 所以咧,我就决定把它放上来这里,有缘的人就会看到的啦... 呵呵...