Monday, October 20, 2008

Nice moment at sushi king

tat day going to have dinner wit my sibling at sushi king.. there having a promotion... all sushi just RM 2 only.. hehe... so..... eat lo... v reach there around 7 already got many ppl waiting outside jor le.. all "rela" to wait just because of this offer... around 830 only v going to eat our dinner ar.. pity my stomach... haiz.. but.. the sushi very nice... hehe....
this promotion... hehe.. is the reason y i so crazy bout sushi king..

me and my bro... leng zai mou?? but i think he just like la la zai... hehe...

不愿上镜的人....very shame meh?? = =lll

c... this plate got 3 sushi le... normally is a pair of it nia.. hehe...

c how much v eat.. just 4 of us... ^ ^

Friday, October 10, 2008

food and others~~~

beautiful flower... plant by ball's mum... my mum beh lo... these plant sure die on my mum's hand de... haiz...

c ar c... where r u??? miss u le... without u... ball gonna let us bully jor.. ^^(in fact, if u there, also wont help him de la... right?? hoho....)

nyonya food... quite nice la... but... of course la, cannot compare with the food cook by mum de la... hehe...

mille crape and 100 plus... i know these combination quite weird.. but... 100 plus is the cheapest drink... no $$ ar....

this is the bbq crab la.. which ball not recommend de.. (in fact... very deli le... don know y he say not nice... )

c la.. 1 simple breakfast also got so many secret inside... (eat at ball's dad de restaurant ..)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

photo capture during the melacca + seremban trip

1 big big guy and 1 small small girl preparing something... where am i?? haha... busy capture lo.. hehe...

eat crab lo... ^^ deli~~

last call after v buy this... lucky~~

while i capture this photo, py ask me 55 capture, u know y?? cause she say got other 2 guy are capturing her also.. haha.. full of fascination... hehe...

beautiful view at st. paul hill...

abang ar.. i don wan capture u le.. can tepi ar.. abang?? tepi la abang.... u don know chinese ar?? ask u tepi ar.... wei..... haiz... suan la... sure don know chinese 1... = =lll

so cun... full house ar.. c or not?? haha...

mille crepe... introduce by my friend.. v take 2 different flavor... 1 is original another 1 is rum raisin... nice.... ^^

huh??? y the mille crepe like a shit jor de?? the fork at the right hand side 1 is mine 1.. sure not i make it de lo.. then who make it???

huh?? who's hand?? who spoil jor this cake??

ball!! don act like tat.. is u eat till tat de!!!

wen ball become like this jor...= =lll
as wat i thinking... is sweet memory o...

today special??

this shop.. really recommend ar... ^^

take inside the car while going to the pd... i really not gam to wear glasses ar... very bad... =_=lll

beautiful sea.. let me edit till like this.. hehe...

c how hard he driving.... i c also tired ar..

the next day, going to pd.. who make us de trip delay?? c on the 1st pic already know jor lo.. ^^

melacca + seremban trip at 1st of Oct 2008

Is my turn again to write a blog related to our trip... Hehe... This time, v goes to ball's ht which located at negeri sembilan... This time, our dearest- cc didn't go, that is because of cc now at aus studying... So bad... But v never forget u o... Haha... V goes where also think of u... Hoho... Because of that day is a public holiday, so v decides travel ktm to seremban lo... The stupid ball lo... Give me a wrong time estimate, causing me late to join wit py which suppose waiting me inside the train... Hehe... Cannot say ball also geh... He also estimate only ma... Finally, I successfully met py n reach together with her at station seremban... Because of the train delay about 1 hour, causing our plan all also delay about 1 hour... Around 12 v just start travel to the Malacca... On the way to the Malacca, v saw an accident happened on the highway! Really omg! The whole car terbalik jor!! The weirdest things is, only 1 car involved in this accident... I also wanna know how it could be happen... Lucky wat I notice was, no one was injured on this accident... Actually, the 1st place v plan to go is to the 'Au Yin Hill'... But... I think is lack of maintenance,(but ball say zap lap jor) cause all view gone... N, v can't get inside to capture pic... (In fact, if can in, I don’t think that I will go lo... Loss attractive after saw the front gate...) after tat ball wanna go to zoo but two of girls decide wanna go to town to heal our stomach... Argue awhile, finally ball drive 1 round at the parking area of the zoo, without take notice of our argument... But... No parking place at all! Hoho... No choice, ball gonna fetch us to the town... Hehe... The day before v go, I had chat with my friend which study at Malacca, he got intro some deli food for me to have a try n told me that there will be very jam during the public holiday... Haiz... As wat he said... There, really very jam!!! V waste alot of time inside the car... Haiz... Just park the car if v found there had a parking although is far from the place which v plan to go... V go to the jonker street to have a cendol ais, the things v felt proud is that v re the last call for the cendol ais!! Hoho... How lucky v re!!! But... The cendol not so nice... The coconut milk put too much jor... Can't taste probably other things jor... Just like drinking the coconut milk only... V went to the st. Paul hill to capture the beautiful pic which last time v are not able to leave our sweet memory there... Hehe... After that v went to pahlawan mall to reserve the dessert which intro by my friend... Hehe... (Scare finish ma... Sure need to reserve de...)
Is time for us to have our dinner jor, n... Consider of public holiday will be many ppl go to eat the "satay celup", v decide go around 5pm to the restaurant n waiting the restaurant to open at 530 then v can be the 1st customer to have it... But... After v turn into the street, omg!!! Already so many ppl re waiting outside!! N the restaurant is full of ppl jor... So v decide to have nyonya food as our dinner...

This nyonya restaurant also very geng, they open at 6, but 615 already full house... Haha... So exaggerate, right? I also can't believe it... How the taste? Quite nice lo... Can c the pic which publishes together with this blog... Before v get in, v still worrying will "get in the car" or not... But, once they put the "full house" signal board out, v already know that v chosen a correct restaurant...The design of restaurant are quite nice taste in art, full of nyonya feel….. After that v return back to the pahlawan mall to have our dessert after v finish our dinner... V having quite funny moment there... Haha... Like ball langgar the tree n nearly “PK”... Wahaha... Really funny... After the crazy moment, then v finish the trip of Malacca jor lo...

after back from that, feeling the things is quite nice, the bad things is weather not good n too many ppl there jor... So decided won't go there during public holiday jor.

Back to seremban, 1st 1st go to da pao the bbq crab n 2 bottles of beer plus a little bottle's which I bring from my house... Hehe... Ball got shows us his photo... Wahaha... Totally different!! I can't identify him based on the photo... Hoho... Ball ar... Not purposely laugh on u... But... Really different la... Hehe... After that all beh tahan already... Going to zzz jor...

Initially say 7am wake up, but ball till 745am only wake up... Some more yesterday someone still say will wake up sharp on 7 tim... V having breakfast on his dad's restaurant... How's taste? Hoho... Check it out on the pic la... Not dare to give comment here...(But when we getting de breakfast we found some “secret “ inside..…Wahaha... ) 9 something till 12, having some crazy action on the port Dickson there... Hoho... Actually say crazy also not so crazy la... Just doing abit non-sense things there only... Blow water ar, collect shell ar etc... Then back to seremban again... buying siu bao and egg tart, finish eating n bathing then say bye bye to seremban lo... Hoho...

the pd trip, can check on the photo tat take by me... so tired and no energy to continue write jor... the things i wan to say is, almost the restaurant tat we went through almost have the logo of "Ho Chak"... hehe.. means got guarantee 1... hehe... so gam...